Thursday, August 22, 2013


One of my highlights on my weeklong trip to Berlin, Germany back in the winter of 2010 was my visit to the Berlin Zoo.  It was the second to the last day of my trip and I had nothing planned.  I had already seen the attractions and sites that I was planning on checking out, so I decided to go to the zoo.  It was snowing and the scenery was just lovely.

Unfortunately, I left my video camera at my hotel during this visit.  I was able to capture a still photos of a group of Elephants playing in the snow.  These beautiful animals were playing with the snow like children in a schoolyard.  It was an amazing site.  I had no idea that Elephants liked snow so much.  My favorite part was when a middle sized elephant, I guess it was a young but not a baby elephant, pushed a smaller (I guess younger) elephant to the ground and rolled him/her in the snow.  When the smaller elephant got up, it had snow all over it and it walked away from the older one who pushed him/her down. 

It was so fun watching them play.  You can see more pictures from my visit to the Berlin Zoo at:
Thanks for watching and reading.  Please share with friends and family.

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